Tarak Doddala

Setting Life Goals


Goal-setting is an utter necessity for people who wish to succeed, to discover their real meaning, and to generate joy in their lives. When you realize your life’s mission, you will decide your vision and turn your dreams into achievable goals. Once you have set targets, the execution of them would ensure assured outcomes.

Scientists now realize that we must first determine what we wish for in our minds to find out how to achieve what we want. Experts on goal-setting and achievement realize our brain is a goal-searching machine. No matter what you call your goals, they need to be precise and measurable. One of the best methods of goal-setting is setting SMART Goals. Ensure that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bounded.


S- Specific

Your goal should be correct, informative, and capable of answering questions instead of generating more.


M- Measurable

Goals should include dates, correct financial figures, and sums.


A- Attainable

You should be able to do this under the constraints of time, resources, the environment, skills and abilities, and other essential factors. I suggest that you set a few targets for yourself that I call “breakthrough targets” or a target that will drive you to accomplish.


R- Realistic

The goals should be in line with your life vision. Keep your dreams following your real objective. Don’t waste time on impossible goals.


T- Time-Bounded

Always set specific timelines for the completion of your goal. Creating a target deadline for completion provides transparency and gives you more incentive.


Now that you know how your goals should be, understanding how to set them is essential.


Set motivating goals:  Motivation is the secret to meeting the targets. When you set targets for yourself, they must inspire you: make sure they are essential to you and have meaning in meeting them.


Write your goals: Constructively frame your target statement. Repeat your set goals to yourself throughout the day.Write the reason for your goals next to the target as this would help you remember why you set the goal in the first place and avoid you wavering from the target.


Action plan: An action plan, focus, and dedication are especially crucial if your goal is big, demanding, or long-term. One often forgets an action plan while setting goals. You attach yourself too much to the outcome that you overlook, developing a plan for your success.


Break down your every goal into small achievable steps as per the priority.Crossing off the goals after completion gives a sense of satisfaction and motivates you to focus on the next target.


I’ve achieved several goals in my life with these simple yet useful tips, and I hope you also attain your goals seamlessly.

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