Tarak Doddala

Love your life the most


Enjoying every moment of Live and leading a quality life.

Life is beautiful, and I’m sure you will agree with me. It’s better if we start living in the present rather than being dependent on tomorrow. If you have been running in life, accomplishing one goal after others, trust me, it’s time to pause and ponder. Smell the roses that have bloomed in your garden, say hello to your neighbor, pass a compliment to a stranger, watch the rising sun, and smile as if you were born to spread happiness. Let me share a few tips on enjoying every moment of life and leading a quality life.

  1. Eat, exercise & sleep well:

A healthy person is always a happy person. Kick start your day with a walk, jog, yoga, or run. It will increase your body’s metabolism and keep you energetic throughout the day. Say a big ‘No’ to junk food, smoking, and alcohol. Follow a healthy diet that’s protein and fiber-rich. Take frequent meals and drink plenty of water. Always prioritize your sleepover other activities. Sleep well!

  1. Forgive Yourself:

Are you too harsh on yourself? Do you self-criticize. It’s time to stop immediately. Be kind to yourself as self-loathing will only block your energies and lead to miseries. Mistakes are a part of our lives, and it’s ok to commit them. Remember, you are worth every happiness in this world, and you deserve the best. All you need to do is introspect your activities and avoid repeating mistakes.

  1. Do something you’re passionate about:

Do you have a flair for writing? Are you creative? Do you want to pamper the artist in you? Is photography calling you? Yes? So, what are you waiting for? Plunge in activities that brings joy to your life. Join a hobby class, learn something new, explore, explore, and explore. You’re sure to find your Ikigai.

  1. Learn to let go:

If you keep sulking over the past or are still holding a grudge against your classmate for not sharing his toys with you, please learn to let go. When you let go, you create space. Whenever you hold a grudge against someone or are angry over petty issues, you’re losing your peaceful moment. Having emotional baggage will only ruin your present. Learn to let go and be a free-spirited being.

Remember, gratitude is the key to a happy life. Be thankful for everything in your life.

  1. Challenge Yourself:

Don’t settle down in your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to bring the best out of yourself. Explore and experience more. Do things that you haven’t tried out earlier. Step out of your comfort zone, set your goals, and get going. You can also make a bucket list of things that you want to do in your life.

It’s now or never! Take control of your life and get going!

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