Caring for Natural Resources…!

“If conservation of natural resources goes wrong, nothing else will go right” – M.S. Swaminathan.

Humans rely on natural resources for their day-to-day lives. However, unlike renewable resources like water and air, some are non-replenishable. Unfortunately, non-renewable natural resources are getting depleted at an alarming rate.

After ages of depleting them, we have no other alternative than to raise a proactive awareness among the masses and save them from extinction.

So, reducing our collective carbon footprint to fight climate change and preserve our natural resources will help us make the planet livable for our future generations. Luckily, we can transform the present scenario by massively considering the following measures:

Small Steps Matter!
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together” – Vincent Van Gogh.

It can be a simple step like turning off your appliances when they are not in use. Turning off your lights, fans, and air conditioners when leaving the room is one of the most promising steps towards preserving our natural resources. Besides, you can switch to LED bulbs that consume less wattage and save sufficient electricity.

Also, you can stop your vehicle’s engine when waiting at the road signals. It will help everyone save enough fuel for our future generations to enjoy. Simple steps matter a lot, after all.

2. Choosing Reusability
“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, designed or removed from production” – Pete Seeger.

As the quotation implies, it’s high time to refuse products that we cannot reuse. Producing new products consumes energy driven by natural resources.

Avoiding plastic bottles and bags and choosing glassware or cloth bags can be another way of conserving natural resources. Saying yes to reusable goods can be the best way to combat resource exhaustion.

3. Promoting Recycling
“When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do” – Pam Shoemaker.

When it comes to saving our natural resources, recycling takes center stage. You can find every environmentalist speaking about recycling. Why so? It’s because we can reduce the carbon footprint and cut down energy consumption by recycling products.

4. Managing Energy Consumption
Reducing the heater temperature to two degrees during winters and raising the one for air conditioners by two degrees during summers can greatly relieve our non-renewable resources.

To sum up!
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it” – Robert Swan.

The initiative of saving natural resources should begin from your home. It means we must step forward to conserve them at the earliest. It’s never too late!

Farming a divine thing. Save Food..! Support Farmers..!

Do you still remember our school prayers? Have you ever thought about why we were taught this as a child?

The human tendency of asking for more and more throughout life is primordial. But did you ever ponder over the bare necessity without which we cannot survive? Well, it’s our meal that keeps us going in all circumstances. We struggle and make efforts to win our daily bread and satiate our appetite.

Long ago, I realized our quintessential necessity and inculcated immense respect for harvest and cultivation. I feel rejoiced in spending days in my native place and feeling the pious aroma of the fertile soil. The serene greenery is forever close to my soul, and I feel an irresistible urge to spend the rest of my life cultivating crops and contributing to feeding the masses as a responsibility.

Unfortunately, the lack of awareness among people regarding harvest and the need to save food upsets me to the core. Watching people dumping meals and disrespecting the grains is something that our culture didn’t teach us. Coming from a farming background and nature admirer, I feel the calling to spread awareness regarding the importance of crops and save food for thousands of hungry and helpless souls in our nation.

Our nation is a green economy and relies on agriculture and farming. Here is a glimpse of how cultivation looks like for us.

Cultivation – What’s the Need?
Cultivation is an essential component of our national economy. But why do we need to cultivate? Or, more precisely, why agriculture holds a center stage in our lives? Here are the primary reasons making cultivation an essential part of our context.

Mode of Substantial Income
Agriculture is one of the most prominent modes of income for many people. They grow crops as a source of livelihood and win their daily bread through the margins obtained. Indeed, cultivation is an asset to the economically weaker and stronger farmers.

Source of Meal and Fodder
Cultivation determines the fate of citizens in a country. Besides feeding humans, it generates enough fodder to satiate the hunger of animals.

Contribution to Economy
Apart from feeding the living beings in a nation, cultivation and agriculture contribute to the economy. The agriculture-driven countries generate huge margins to propel the GDP to skyrocketing heights.

What is the Need to Save Food?
We always listen to everyone pleading to save food and avoid wasting it, don’t we? But why should we save food? What’s the importance of respecting our meals?

Here are some of the must-know reasons:

People Sleep with Empty Stomachs
Indeed, you are blessed to have surplus meals to satiate the hunger of your family. Let’s face it that numerous souls do not get enough food for days. The inflated food prices due to immense waste of food limit them from purchasing meals. So, we need to stop wasting food and save it for numerous helpless and hungry beings.

Environment and Climate Variations
The food we waste generates carbon dioxide and other hazardous gases, depleting the non-consumed food sources in the environment. Yet another reason to save food is saving the climate from destruction.

Value of Harvest – What is It?
Saving food and cultivating crops are essential for all of us. Thanks to farmers who grow crops and produce harvest to generate revenues and feed the nation. However, a farmer does not gain 100% returns on their investment. After removing the damaged crops, the leftover harvest determines the final income earned by a farmer. This is called the value of harvest, an essential factor in agriculture.

What are the Marketing Difficulties of Farm Produce?
Marketing crops is the leading problem that farmers face after making huge investments. So, what are the difficulties faced by farmers when marketing their produce? Here are the most common issues.

Farmers Do Not Fix Price
Although farmers produce crops, they do not determine their price. Unfortunately, such a factor might not bring justice to the farmers every time. So, this can be one of the top factors affecting product marketing.

Immense Competition in the Market
The market has numerous farmers, big and small. Consequently, the business competition is higher, and farmers might get swayed by inflation at times. So, yet another factor that hinders favorable marketing outcomes is the cut-throat competition in the agricultural industry.

Agriculture and harvesting lie at our foundation. We cannot overlook the impacts they cause and require propelling the nation for agricultural comfort.

Respect Farmers..!

-Tarak Doddala

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