Let’s Dream for Respected & Expected India

The land of growing possibilities – India is standing on the brink of becoming a global leader. The world has numerous expectations from Indians, and the nation is rapidly fulfilling them. Expected India will soon become the Golden Bird it was before the British Invasion.

For a long time, the nation had the tag of undeveloped country. However, it’s recovering from the status with wide-angle development across verticals. Although we have achieved many feats, we need to speed up the construction process to keep up with the race.

It’s high time for India to look beyond caste and religious discrimination as the upcoming ten years are crucial for the entire nation.

Now, every citizen should focus on repairing India’s image, transitioning it to becoming a respected India. They need to address the following issues to bridge the gap of becoming a Global Capital.

Widening the Roads to Success!
India is soon to become a superpower. What if the roads to success are narrowed and congestion-building? Indians cannot speed up and achieve their goals due to an unavoidable deviation from their motives.

First things first! We need to widen our roads and more lanes to contain traffic jams and enable every citizen to reach their destination quickly.

Planned Cities Goes Long Way
Success cannot develop within a chaotic city. Taking a closer glimpse at the history of developed countries, we realize that the foundation of such prosperous nations lies in well-planned towns.

We need efficient resource allocation, the ability to stay connected with each other at all times, and future-ready locations to manifest success for India.

Becoming Self Sufficient for Food Grain Production
Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry” – Norman Borlaug.

A country with hungry citizens cannot think of success clear-mindedly. So, satiating their hunger and producing surplus food grains is essential to building a growing economy. Despite the Indian Green Revolution, many families strive hard to collect their daily bread. Consequently, they cannot focus on pushing the nation towards massive success.

It will be best to focus on growing sufficient food grains on our land. We will be able to feed every Indian and ensure prosperity.

Seeding Patriotism Among Citizens
Patriotism is an integral part of developed countries. We need to kindle die-hard patriotism among Indians and help them dream of India soaring heights of success.

India is marching on the path to becoming a respected nation. It’s our crucial period, and we need to dodge the challenges, stay united, and do whatever we can to bring multifold success to the nation.

Are We Responsible..?

A citizen of a country is recognized as one of the dominant pillars of the nation. They are allowed to enjoy all the legal rights and privileges granted by the state to the people. Also, they need to abide by the laws and attain their duties as called upon.

The question that arises,

“Are you a responsible parent? Are you giving our country a responsible citizen?”

Every citizen, including parents, has a responsibility to make their community a decent place to inhabit. When you are a responsible citizen, you know your responsibilities and take necessary actions whenever required.

Being a parent of a young kid, you may encounter several issues where you need to take necessary actions. These actions will lead you to be a responsible citizen and train your young child to remain accountable.

What are the burning issues faced by Youth today?

Excessive usage of social media

Firstly, you need to walk hand-in-hand with the latest technology. Being a parent, you need to know how social media works.

Secondly, you are not setting a good example for our young children if you use social media excessively.

Lastly, being a parent, you must ensure that your child is not deprived of knowing/learning new technology. But, you need to ensure that its excessive exposure is also problematic. Hence, drive your child in the right direction whenever required.

Consumption of drugs

We have been lately listening to enormous news regarding drugs usage. One of the possible reasons why your kids are entering into drug consumption is their social circle. No doubt your kids require friends in their lives, but you need to ensure that their friends come from a decent family background with no such addictions.

Whenever we ask any young kid why they started smoking or drinking, most of the time, it is family distancing. Being a parent, it is your moral responsibility to spend some time with your young kid. This support will boost their positive thoughts, and they will never end up smoking or drinking in their lives.

These are the top 3 burning issues youngsters face, and their parents must create a plan to help their children.

Final Thoughts

If you being a parent, face the same issues, you are not setting an excellent example for your child. As rightly said by the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi,

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Additionally, your child must never be deprived of motivation to come out strongly and face these burning issues. On top of it, if they are out of these issues, you can teach them how to become good citizens of the country.

And yes, you can then call yourself a responsible citizen of our country.

Tarak Doddala

Farming a divine thing. Save Food..! Support Farmers..!

Do you still remember our school prayers? Have you ever thought about why we were taught this as a child?

The human tendency of asking for more and more throughout life is primordial. But did you ever ponder over the bare necessity without which we cannot survive? Well, it’s our meal that keeps us going in all circumstances. We struggle and make efforts to win our daily bread and satiate our appetite.

Long ago, I realized our quintessential necessity and inculcated immense respect for harvest and cultivation. I feel rejoiced in spending days in my native place and feeling the pious aroma of the fertile soil. The serene greenery is forever close to my soul, and I feel an irresistible urge to spend the rest of my life cultivating crops and contributing to feeding the masses as a responsibility.

Unfortunately, the lack of awareness among people regarding harvest and the need to save food upsets me to the core. Watching people dumping meals and disrespecting the grains is something that our culture didn’t teach us. Coming from a farming background and nature admirer, I feel the calling to spread awareness regarding the importance of crops and save food for thousands of hungry and helpless souls in our nation.

Our nation is a green economy and relies on agriculture and farming. Here is a glimpse of how cultivation looks like for us.

Cultivation – What’s the Need?
Cultivation is an essential component of our national economy. But why do we need to cultivate? Or, more precisely, why agriculture holds a center stage in our lives? Here are the primary reasons making cultivation an essential part of our context.

Mode of Substantial Income
Agriculture is one of the most prominent modes of income for many people. They grow crops as a source of livelihood and win their daily bread through the margins obtained. Indeed, cultivation is an asset to the economically weaker and stronger farmers.

Source of Meal and Fodder
Cultivation determines the fate of citizens in a country. Besides feeding humans, it generates enough fodder to satiate the hunger of animals.

Contribution to Economy
Apart from feeding the living beings in a nation, cultivation and agriculture contribute to the economy. The agriculture-driven countries generate huge margins to propel the GDP to skyrocketing heights.

What is the Need to Save Food?
We always listen to everyone pleading to save food and avoid wasting it, don’t we? But why should we save food? What’s the importance of respecting our meals?

Here are some of the must-know reasons:

People Sleep with Empty Stomachs
Indeed, you are blessed to have surplus meals to satiate the hunger of your family. Let’s face it that numerous souls do not get enough food for days. The inflated food prices due to immense waste of food limit them from purchasing meals. So, we need to stop wasting food and save it for numerous helpless and hungry beings.

Environment and Climate Variations
The food we waste generates carbon dioxide and other hazardous gases, depleting the non-consumed food sources in the environment. Yet another reason to save food is saving the climate from destruction.

Value of Harvest – What is It?
Saving food and cultivating crops are essential for all of us. Thanks to farmers who grow crops and produce harvest to generate revenues and feed the nation. However, a farmer does not gain 100% returns on their investment. After removing the damaged crops, the leftover harvest determines the final income earned by a farmer. This is called the value of harvest, an essential factor in agriculture.

What are the Marketing Difficulties of Farm Produce?
Marketing crops is the leading problem that farmers face after making huge investments. So, what are the difficulties faced by farmers when marketing their produce? Here are the most common issues.

Farmers Do Not Fix Price
Although farmers produce crops, they do not determine their price. Unfortunately, such a factor might not bring justice to the farmers every time. So, this can be one of the top factors affecting product marketing.

Immense Competition in the Market
The market has numerous farmers, big and small. Consequently, the business competition is higher, and farmers might get swayed by inflation at times. So, yet another factor that hinders favorable marketing outcomes is the cut-throat competition in the agricultural industry.

Agriculture and harvesting lie at our foundation. We cannot overlook the impacts they cause and require propelling the nation for agricultural comfort.

Respect Farmers..!

-Tarak Doddala

How Five Hours Sleep Can Help You Advocate Your Thoughts For A Better Society

Swollen eyes, dark circles, dull skin on your face are not the only outcomes of sleep deprivation. Research over the years has linked sleep or the lack of it to your social life, your success, and how you treat people around you.

Research by Rachel Salas, MD from Johns Hopkins University says that a good night’s sleep can rejuvenate you to make you willing to give back to society. A sleep of fewer than five hours per night for adults can make them irritable, annoying, and even reveal negative emotions in them. Your mental health is a function of the hormones that are secreted by your brains, and optimal balance in them can be achieved by proper sleep.

How much sleep do you need?

The requirements of sleep time and the circadian cycle of every individual are unique, and depended on their gender, age, working conditions, and physical exercise. Some studies have shown that for adults between the ages of 20 to 55 years, it requires eight hours of sleep. They also recommend that it must be a minimum of five hours to help the brain and body to heal and nourish itself.

If your sleep cycle is irregular or is disturbed by distractions, sounds, or light, then even lying down for more hours would not help you. With a little practice, preparation and scheduling, you can make your body go to sleep instantly when you are ready for it. Soldiers, surgeons, firefighters and many other people are taught how to catch quality sleep with minimal effort.

Five-hour sleep for a better society!

Sleep deprivation interferes with your brain’s ability to filter and create long-term memories and enhance your productivity. A study, in the journal Nature Communications, found that sleep deprivation causes people to feel lonely, introvert, and uncomfortable in the company of others.

Sleep-deprived people are also more likely to be affected by depression, anxiety, anger issues, and alcohol & substance abuse. Such people become more inward-looking and self-centered, affecting their family and work lives. It can cause increased separations, domestic violence, divorces, and severe strain on the children in such environments.

Final Note

Sleep-deprived loneliness and social isolation significantly increase community health problems, mortality risk, many mental and physical comorbidities, social unease, and domestic and other kinds of violence. Therefore, when you get at least a five-hour sound sleep, you are helping build a sound and calming family, workplace and society.

Why Need of Global Presence – For Better Sustainability

Climate change is a real and present danger and is not some distant, utopian nightmare. The coastal communities are already feeling the burnt with more cyclones, submerging shores, and reduced aquatic life around coasts. Climate change will continue to adversely affect our planet, our lives, and our livelihoods in more direct than indirect ways.

Scientists claim that human activities have contributed to global temperature rise after the Industrial Revolution, depletion in forest cover, and species extinction to an unprecedented scale.

Sustainability in business needs running the business processes with minimal to no impact on the environment. Green business operations support and maintain the local ecology, reduce their global environmental impact, and keep the community’s best long-term interests, ecology, and the planet at their core.

Sustainability in Business

Sustainability in everyday business operations is a vital concern for many. Many consumer groups demand that products clearly label their carbon footprint and environmental impact.

For investors, sustainable businesses are a lucrative investment opportunity, while for promoters and managements, it means more sales, reduction in costs, tax savings, and enhanced brand.

Sustainability is not only about 3 Rs (Reduce, reuse, recycle) by the consumer; it also needs active intervention from governments and managers to adopt green best-practices in mining, production, service, storage, and transportation.

Running an environmentally friendly business has more than profits as its mission— consideration for the environment, ecosystem, and health of the surrounding people. Impact green-practices is increased profitability for companies, a healthy society, and restoring the environmental balance. By John Elkington, Triple Bottom Line suggests the planet, people, and profits are all important.

Startling Climate Impact Statistics

● The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an island of plastic garbage twice the size of Texas, is floating in the Pacific Ocean and harming its marine life and people consuming the microplastics found in seafood.

● If left alone, the total annual concrete waste production will touch 27 billion tons by 2050.

● Greenhouse gases and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) are reasons for a temperature increase ofover 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2020, causing rising sea levels and extreme variations in weather patterns.

● Greenhouse gases, particulate matter, contamination of soil and groundwater are directly causing more than 450,000 deaths worldwide, and millions are falling sick because of them.

● Only 100 companies are responsible for 71% of all global emissions, and among them, only 20 are responsible for over 30% of emissions.

● Over three-fourths of consumers have stopped purchasing anything from companies that do not care about the planet.

Final Word

The time to act is now. A concerted effort from management, employees, suppliers, customers, society, and governments is needed for developing sustainable business practices.

Everyone must cut down industrial and auto emissions, safely reuse or recycle industrial waste, increase forest covers, dispose of unusable waste safely, and contribute towards a breathing and living planet.

We are not too late, and the Paris Climate Accord can help businesses reduce their emission by up to 60% by 2030. Companies stand to benefit directly in cost savings, increased revenues, and more significant market share by adopting green policies, technologies, and processes. It is estimated that green business operations can cause $26 trillion in economic benefits by 2030.

Step-up Your Health Goals – Practicing 30 Mins Active for 21 Days will Bring a Lot of Benefits

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
~ Will Durant

Changing any set pattern of daily lifestyle is challenging. But that can be achieved with goal setting, planning, following that plan regularly, and monitoring and recording the progress. Motivation erodes if the brain does not receive frequent doses of boosting in the form of tangible outcomes. That is why recording and acknowledging, if not celebrating, even small milestones & successes is necessary.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle with proper sleep, exercise, and nutritious eating habits is one of the most challenging goals to achieve. The senses of smell, sight, and taste betray us, and our laziness takes over our better judgment. Becoming more physically active needs operational planning, practice, and follow-through.

It is said that if you can continue the practice for at least three weeks, or twenty-one days, it starts becoming your “muscle memory,” or better known as a habit. Once you have the habit of waking up early and running, walking, or practicing Yoga for 30 minutes daily, it is not easy to change that routine either.

Good and healthy habits, just like the bad and unhealthy ones, are addictive because the body and mind always find their comfort zone in doing something repeatedly. The real challenge is in breaking the current cycle of unhealthy habits and adopting a new healthy routine.

Goal Setting

Set S.M.A.R.T. goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-oriented, and Time-bound. The following seven-step process will help you in goal setting:

  1. Identify a goal.
  2. Learn how to achieve it
  3. Divide the goal into small and specific mini-objective
  4. Prepare a monitoring chart with the current state
  5. Monitor and record your progress regularly
  6. Adapt to changing environment
  7. Enjoy the process – do not punish yourself

In the end, when you achieve your mini-goals, allow for a small celebration, and when you accomplish a bigger goal, give yourself credit, and celebrate.

Final Words

Being active and achieving a higher state of a healthy body is necessary to ward off lifestyle diseases, boost your immunity, and stay fit. A healthy body is also the vessel for a healthy mind, a healthy mindset, and a cheerful person.

People are more attracted to healthy and fit people. These individuals also tend to command more authority and usually have a great sense of humor. They motivate themselves and their family, friends, and co-workers to set small health goals and achieve them with the 30-minute for 21-day practice rule.

Start Working for Healthy and Active Body As You Grow, Stop Counting your Age

At the age of 40 or 50, having a young mind is excellent, but your body may not be in the best shape. Aging makes it harder to stay fit, lose weight, be active, and remain in good condition.

Aging is gradual, and therefore the changes are challenging to identify. They all seem to catch up when you meet a friend after many years and find that they look just the same as in college days, and you have added too many inches and pounds.

Effects of aging

In people, who have undergone treatment for severe illnesses, aging can show earlier. People, who avoided significant health issues, a sagging belly, increased breathlessness, and a general feeling of tiredness are slow and gradual, but eventually, they add up.

Aging can bring the following adverse changes:

  1. Weak metabolism, reduced flexibility of joints, obesity, type-2 diabetes, and high cholesterol.
  2. Muscle loss after thirty resulting in weakness, loss of motor control, and fractures.
  3. Breathlessness, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and brain strokes.
  4. A decline in libido and vigor.
  5. Weaker nervous system, slower reflexes, poor hand-eye coordination, and memory lapses.

Guard yourself against aging

With daily activity, you can age with grace. Having an active body, good health, and a sound mind will help you lead an excellent quality of life.

  1. Sports and endurance training can significantly improve your metabolism, muscle strength, mood, and hormonal secretion. It can control your blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, and weight issues.
  2. Healthy food with less fat and bad-cholesterol, and more fiber, proteins, and good-cholesterols, can help manage weight, increase muscle mass, relieve the heart’s burden, and assistfor digestion.
  3. Stress management can help in the secretion of happy hormones, better functioning of the heart, and a stress-free mind.

Benefits of an active body:

  • Helps you quit tobacco and smoking
  • Energize you for the day
  • Easily manage stress
  • Better social life
  • Release of healthy hormones and a cheerful outlook
  • Better and sound sleep
  • enhances self-confidence

Final Words

The clock will tick no matter what we think or believe, and with each walk or Yoga session, you can make the coming years more active and livelier. A healthy family member is an asset for the family, as people with illness tend to increase their psychological, physical, and financial burdens. If you want to avoid lengthy and frequent visits to a hospital’s emergency room and inflate medical bills, it is also financially prudent to keep fit.

Love your life the most

Enjoying every moment of Live and leading a quality life.

Life is beautiful, and I’m sure you will agree with me. It’s better if we start living in the present rather than being dependent on tomorrow. If you have been running in life, accomplishing one goal after others, trust me, it’s time to pause and ponder. Smell the roses that have bloomed in your garden, say hello to your neighbor, pass a compliment to a stranger, watch the rising sun, and smile as if you were born to spread happiness. Let me share a few tips on enjoying every moment of life and leading a quality life.

  1. Eat, exercise & sleep well:

A healthy person is always a happy person. Kick start your day with a walk, jog, yoga, or run. It will increase your body’s metabolism and keep you energetic throughout the day. Say a big ‘No’ to junk food, smoking, and alcohol. Follow a healthy diet that’s protein and fiber-rich. Take frequent meals and drink plenty of water. Always prioritize your sleepover other activities. Sleep well!

  1. Forgive Yourself:

Are you too harsh on yourself? Do you self-criticize. It’s time to stop immediately. Be kind to yourself as self-loathing will only block your energies and lead to miseries. Mistakes are a part of our lives, and it’s ok to commit them. Remember, you are worth every happiness in this world, and you deserve the best. All you need to do is introspect your activities and avoid repeating mistakes.

  1. Do something you’re passionate about:

Do you have a flair for writing? Are you creative? Do you want to pamper the artist in you? Is photography calling you? Yes? So, what are you waiting for? Plunge in activities that brings joy to your life. Join a hobby class, learn something new, explore, explore, and explore. You’re sure to find your Ikigai.

  1. Learn to let go:

If you keep sulking over the past or are still holding a grudge against your classmate for not sharing his toys with you, please learn to let go. When you let go, you create space. Whenever you hold a grudge against someone or are angry over petty issues, you’re losing your peaceful moment. Having emotional baggage will only ruin your present. Learn to let go and be a free-spirited being.

Remember, gratitude is the key to a happy life. Be thankful for everything in your life.

  1. Challenge Yourself:

Don’t settle down in your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to bring the best out of yourself. Explore and experience more. Do things that you haven’t tried out earlier. Step out of your comfort zone, set your goals, and get going. You can also make a bucket list of things that you want to do in your life.

It’s now or never! Take control of your life and get going!

Giving Physical and Mental Health Habits to next generation

Every parent gives their best to their children. They teach them good values and emphasize healthy habits to help them be a better individual. Needless to mention that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. I also personally feel that mental health is equally essential for the overall development of the child. So, how do we let our kids teach both physical and psychological health habits? Here are a few tips to help you out:


Firstly, we should teach a child about body language and the impact of it. Let your kid know that the right communication is always the key to growth. Emphasize dealing with stress and having a positive mindset. Try spending some time every day listening to your child and building a strong relationship with them. Please encourage your child to understand their emotions and be expressive whenever it is required.


Parents and teachers play a crucial role in shaping the outlook of a child. As parents, we must be cautious with our do’s and don’ts in front of our kids. Being presentable, responsible, and empathetic towards our family members, neighbors, and staff members will teach our kids to be accountable and sensible towards everyone. It also helps them figure out the daily circumstances and odds that the child can face during their life journey. The learnings should be such that the children should adopt them daily, ensuring happiness and contentment.


We should also learn how to promote a child’s mental and physical well-being by guiding the children about their behavior, skills, and healthy habits that should be followed regularly. Good Mental Health ensures the setting of realistic goals for a particular age and potential.


We should involve our children in developing principles and rules and guide them to have a clear command in maintaining the balance between the body and the mind. Since our body needs relaxation after a regular period, we should give our body time, find ways to get proper sleeping time, healthy eating habits, playing outdoors, and so on.


The child should also know the significance of physical activities and extracurricular practices, which is essential to maintain physical health. As the child grows, many hormonal changes directly connect with the mind’s growth and development. Also, concerning hormones, the child feels mutations and fluctuations while dealing with daily chores and activities.


Therefore, maintaining a proper balance between physical and mental health rejuvenate the mind and body. So, keep up the excellent spirit and culminate the best practices of psychological and physical health in the next generation, giving them the liberty to choose the right method for themselves.

Setting Life Goals

Goal-setting is an utter necessity for people who wish to succeed, to discover their real meaning, and to generate joy in their lives. When you realize your life’s mission, you will decide your vision and turn your dreams into achievable goals. Once you have set targets, the execution of them would ensure assured outcomes.

Scientists now realize that we must first determine what we wish for in our minds to find out how to achieve what we want. Experts on goal-setting and achievement realize our brain is a goal-searching machine. No matter what you call your goals, they need to be precise and measurable. One of the best methods of goal-setting is setting SMART Goals. Ensure that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bounded.


S- Specific

Your goal should be correct, informative, and capable of answering questions instead of generating more.


M- Measurable

Goals should include dates, correct financial figures, and sums.


A- Attainable

You should be able to do this under the constraints of time, resources, the environment, skills and abilities, and other essential factors. I suggest that you set a few targets for yourself that I call “breakthrough targets” or a target that will drive you to accomplish.


R- Realistic

The goals should be in line with your life vision. Keep your dreams following your real objective. Don’t waste time on impossible goals.


T- Time-Bounded

Always set specific timelines for the completion of your goal. Creating a target deadline for completion provides transparency and gives you more incentive.


Now that you know how your goals should be, understanding how to set them is essential.


Set motivating goals:  Motivation is the secret to meeting the targets. When you set targets for yourself, they must inspire you: make sure they are essential to you and have meaning in meeting them.


Write your goals: Constructively frame your target statement. Repeat your set goals to yourself throughout the day.Write the reason for your goals next to the target as this would help you remember why you set the goal in the first place and avoid you wavering from the target.


Action plan: An action plan, focus, and dedication are especially crucial if your goal is big, demanding, or long-term. One often forgets an action plan while setting goals. You attach yourself too much to the outcome that you overlook, developing a plan for your success.


Break down your every goal into small achievable steps as per the priority.Crossing off the goals after completion gives a sense of satisfaction and motivates you to focus on the next target.


I’ve achieved several goals in my life with these simple yet useful tips, and I hope you also attain your goals seamlessly.

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